Marco Rubio US secretary of state: Ukraine conflict is part of US-Russia proxy.

The latest meeting between President Trump and President Zelenskyy on February 28 in Washington became a tragic comedy.

For several decades, the Americans have tried to drag Ukraine into this horrible situation, namely war between Russia and Ukraine. They have tried to provoke Russia by changing the government in Ukraine, by offering them talks about EU membership and NATO membership, while the Americans knew very well that the time was not ripe for this.

The US influenced Ukrainian public opinion by attracting a couple of Ukrainian oligarchs with huge investments in the US and the EU. Oligharchs such as Ihor Kolomoisky along with U S ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch how supported unconditionally Volodymyr Zelenskyy in seizing power by pumping in millions of dollars in his election compaign. And as usual the US officials always ridiculously call their involvement as ”to support democratic development in the given country”. The US eventually managed, through an election in Ukraine, to get a group of young and inexperienced politicians (Zelenskyy and his cabinet) to occupy key positions in the country. The US then managed to persuade Zelenskyy to go ahead with plans to seek NATO membership. It also promised to equip Ukraine so that it could use aggression (military means) to get Crimea back. All of this was happening in front of the eyes of the Russians who were closely monitoring what was happening in Ukraine.

The US governments have repeatedly shown themselves to be highly unreliable and their support cannot be relied upon. The only thing the US seeks is its own gain, nothing else. Ukraine was tricked into this trap by going against its crazy and militarily super power neighbor and trusting the strong US across the Atlantic. We are now seeing the results of this naive policy.

This administration does not even care about its own people. Nearly 30 million Americans live below the poverty line, earning between 0 and 13,000 dollars annually. This right-wing populist administration, a bunch of millionaires and billionaires, wants to make life even more difficult for this group with its new decrees and directives. If this new administration could, they would throw all the American poor into the sea to simply get rid of them.

There is certainly the issue of natural resources in Ukraine which is an important issue for both Russia and the US and they did not want to let the other one extract it so easily. A rapprochement with Europe and the US, an EU and NATO membership means, without a doubt, that this enormous natural resources in Ukraine would usually go more to Europe and the US and not to Russia. Note that the two countries (Russia and Ukraine) have been one and the same country until recently and for hundreds of years

The result of this inhuman policy with the support of the USA and its lapdogs in Europe and the naive hope of the young and inexperienced government in Ukraine is that more than 1 million young people from both sides have lost their lives in a US-provoked war. More than 5 million Ukrainians are refugees abroad and several million are internally displaced. Ukraine, which was previously one of the poorest countries in Europe, is now in ruins. Poverty in Ukraine will increase further, crime, corruption and prostitution, which were previously so widespread in Ukraine, will shoot to new and astronomical heights, which we are already seeing. And both Europe and the USA intend to enslave Ukrainians for the next hundred years to get back their money that they believe was sent to Ukraine during this war.

Note that Europe had billions and billions worth of military equipment that they had manufactured and stockpiled after World War II in preparation for a possible military confrontation. The same was true of the United States, which had an arsenal of billions and billions of old military equipment that they had manufactured and stockpiled since World War II. They didn’t just want to scrap them. They didn’t just want to throw them away. The war between Ukraine and Russia was a perfect opportunity to get rid of all this enormous military equipment that in principle had not been that effective in modern warfare.

By tricking Ukraine into this war, the US and Europe managed to get rid of their old and inefficient military equipment. The West sent aid package after aid package to Ukraine and puffed itself up with pride by claiming that it now supports democratic Ukraine in defending its freedom and the freedom of Europe.

I remember that at the beginning of the war, Sweden showed off and even told on TV that it had had enormous, outdated military equipment since World War II, which it was now sending to Ukraine. A sea of old and outdated military equipment was sent to Ukraine at the beginning of the war, which led to hundreds of thousands of fallen soldiers from both sides. And as the war dragged on, both Europe and America were forced to send, reluctantly, their modern military equipment. The Ukrainians pushed for the latest air defenses, tanks, and fighter jets. Europe and America refused vehemently. The Ukrainians finally received some modern military equipment. Both the USA and Europe, even Sweden, talked about sending their modern fighter jets. Sweden even advertised that it had started training Ukrainian fighter pilots to be able to fly JAS fighter jets. So far, nothing has happened on this front. They don’t really want to get rid of their high-tech military equipment. They wanted to get rid of their old and outdated military equipment.

Almost 2 years after the war, both the US and the EU are starting to lose interest in the war and want it to end. The US and Europe had now achieved their 2 strategic goals; to get rid of their old war equipment, and to be able to weaken the Russian army, but also to make a realistic assessment of how much the Russian defense can stand firm against the whole world. America now knows that Russia has suffered greatly in this 3-year war. Ukraine is enslaved for the next 100 years and must give almost all of its assets to Europe and America because they had sent their scrap war equipment to them during the war and now Europe and America are demanding huge sums back.

The new pro-Russian and far-right US administration is now, so brazenly, demanding $500 billion from impoverished Ukraine for the scrap war material they sent to Ukraine in a war that they themselves played a key role in starting.

President Zelenskyy, in this latest sitcom in the Oval Office in Washington, showed courage and strength by standing up to the bullies. President Zelenskyy actually made a mockery of the one who calls himself the most powerful man on earth by not signing a slave-like agreement (without having any security guarantees) for the extraction of Ukraine’s minerals. Zelenskyy and his inexperienced cabinet understood very quickly, at the beginning of the war, that they were deceived by the US and were ambushed. President Zelenskyy, this time, graciously chose to stand up for his country in the Oval Office and not let the world’s most powerful country, clownishly, insult him and force him into submission. It is the current US administration that should be ashamed of this ridiculous move in the Oval Office.

Now is the best time for President Zelenskyy to step down, call for an election, if possible, and let a new administration make peace with Russia and sign slave-like economic agreements with the US and Europe to further exploit these poor people for the next hundred years.

© Samuel E. Rajeus, editor, S.E.R.P. & Publishing

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