Månadsarkiv: maj 2012


LOREEN, THE WINNER OF EUROVISION 2012 / www.dn.se  SD’s Björn Söder questions the Swedish character of Loreens winning grants. Loreen: ”I’m not here to preserve the culture. Take it and do WHAT THE HELL you want with it.” She stands barefoot … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Essay/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för EUPHORIA


It is the jerks themselves who believe that all others are just fools that may be misled by empty words.

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för ASSHOLES (3)


To my Mother The great love in my life The one who shaped my personality The one who protected me And who was my first compass To the world. To my Father That is unable to show His love by … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för MY TRIBUTE TO YOU