First published on June 02, 2010 // Unfortunately, still very relevant even now // my thoughts go to all innocent individuals, from both sides, who are suffering these days from such despicable act (war).
The Israel-Palestine conflict is a proof of human being’s wild and dark nature and his destructive thinking/analysis
Even if Israel hijacks another hundred ships heading for Gaza… it will not solve the problem. The problem is that we are not alone in this country… Until we Israelis and Palestinians recognize the logical consequences of this simple fact, we will all live in a permanent state of siege – Gaza under Israeli siege, Israel under international and Arab siege. Amos Oz, 1939-2018, Israeli author, and Nobel Prize candidate. DN, 02 June 2010

What is really happening in the Middle East? If violence and killing would produce positive outcome, we would surely, long ago, see peace between Israel and Palestine, but it seems that neither party understands it. The hatred is still very strong between the parties after more than 60 years of suffering and killing. This is because both sides want to solve this problem with weapons, with killing each other. Even if there will be, someday, a fragile peace this hatred will remain with the people for tens, maybe, hundreds of years because you won´t easily forget painful events inflicted on you.
Just imagine that if you could do as Gandhi did, if you could do as Aung San Suu Kyi does, if you could do as Mandela did, as Martin Lutter King did, as the Dalai Lama does, i.e., to put all your energy into nonviolent methods, creating reconciliation, peace, and coexistence. In the case of Burma and Tibet, it will take, maybe, say 100 years to achieve a peaceful change or a peaceful solution. The big difference then will be that once you get there then this hatred that now exists between Palestinians and Israelis, will not exist between different ethnic groups in Burma or between Chinese and Tibetans, at least not to the extent that exists between Israelis and Palestinians.
You win big if you reach a peace that is not just on paper, that is not fragile and that is not reached with enormous suffering and hatred. Even if we achieve a fragile peace in the Middle East, this hatred will remain for a very long time. Is it worth doing in this way as the parties are doing now in the Middle East?
There is no doubt in my mind that the rise of Israel in the way it happened more than sixty years ago was a historical mistake. The question today is whether we should return Israel to Palestinians because there was a mistake that happened more than 60 years ago. In that case, we must return all of Sweden to the Sami and ”travelers” who lived in Sweden before Europeans came and occupied their territory. In that case, we all must get out of here, together with those who call themselves ”real Swedes”. How far back in history do we have to go for all parties to be satisfied? To think like that is completely illogical and only leads to more suffering and more hatred. The two-state solution seems the best solution right now.
With great respect for those who chose nonviolent methods to achieve their goals and to create a lasting peace on our planet.
When will we learn from history? When will we learn from our living local history? When will we learn from Nelson Mandela, from Aung San Suu Kyi, from the Dalai Lama?
© Samuel E. Rajeus / Editor. S.E.R. & Publishing (S.E.R.P.)
First published on June 02, 2010
”I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.!”, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, The US president 1953-1961 and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II.