The Case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is farther more an evidence that those who are paying the price for the Islamic regime of Iran´s brutality are just ordinary people. There have been thousands of cases in Iran that rich people, mullahs, key members of the revolutionary gourd, business men and so on, who have been involved in a range of sexual affaires, bribing, stealing money from governmental and nongovernmental funds, went free without being on trial for their crimes. But ordinary people such as Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and thousands of others are getting beaten, prisoned, executed, hanged, stoned, and disappeared on daily bases by the regime that claims that its ruthless handling of Iranian society is based on Islamic laws. These fundamentalists in Iran strongly stress that Islamic laws, that go back to 1500 years ego, are perfectly capable to run the country with. And they have been trying all these years since the Islamic revolution 1979 to implement those laws on families, on school system, on bank system, on financial system and so on.  This ancient way of thinking and running Iran has fallen the country in a total bankruptcy as the whole world witnesses today.

In contrast European countries such as Sweden make changes in their laws annually and they legislate hundreds of new laws every year in order to be on track and to be competitive with the rest of the world. Swedish lawmakers know that if they do not do so the country will fall back in the long run and the Swedes will suffer greatly in the first place. Lawmakers, law forces and the government of Iran do not have the welfare of Iranian people such as Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani neither in their minds nor in their actions. This fraction of Islam believes that it is good for ordinary people to suffer in this fatal life in order to get a better place in the afterlife which is immortal. It has been the main slogan of the Islamic regime since the foundation of Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ordinary people such as Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and thousands of others, and millions of others have no chance to survive under the brutality of this bloodthirsty and barbarian regime without serious help of international community. The regime is so ruthless that it breaks down any protest without mercy within the country. The international community must act united and powerful in order to help Iranian people making themselves free from these murderers who have stolen their country and who have taken a whole nation in their captivity for such a long time.




Jag är ingen royalist och jag gillar inte alls att skattebetalarnas pengar används på detta sätt till våra kändisar som kungahuset, men jag gillar Kronprinsessan Victoria eftersom hon genom åren har visat att hon är en ung, intelligent dam med en stark integritet och en hög empatisk förmåga.

De sa:

Vi är inga rasister eller fascister

Men vi gillar inte att det kungliga blodet

Blandas med den vanliga människoblodet.

Vi gillar inte att det vita rasen blandas med

Den svarta/gula rasen.

Vi gillar inte att vita blandas med svarta,

Kristna blandas med muslimer i t ex blandäktenskap

Huller om buller och hur som helst i samhället.

Vi är inga rasister eller fascister

Men det är så synd att det kungliga blodet

I det svenska kungahuset förtunnades

Först med Silvia och nu med Daniel.

Vi sa:

Ni är kanske inte alls rasister eller fascister som ni hävdar,

Men ni är bara ett gäng som kan vara oerhört farliga

För samhället om ni får makten någon gång.

Publicerat i Politik/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för INGEN RASIST (3) / KUNGLIGT BRÖLLOP


” Även om Israel kapar ytterligare hundra fartyg på väg mot Gaza,… kommer det inte att lösa problemet. Problemet är att vi inte är ensamma i detta land… Tills vi israeler och palestinier erkänner de logiska följderna av detta enkla faktum kommer vi alla att leva i ett permanent tillstånd av belägring – Gaza under israelisk belägring, Israel under internationell och arabisk belägring.” Amos Oz, israelisk författare och Nobelpriskandidat. DN, den 02 juni 2010


Jag kan bara inte låta bli att tänka på de belåtna svenskarna ombord på Ship to Gaza vilka kom hem med glada miner och många av de med ett brett leende. De verkade vara nöjda med sin aktion som resulterade i nio döda och ett stort antal skadade.

Mattias Gardell berättar med entusiasm framför ett dussintal reportrar att de valde att attackera soldaterna, att de slog ner israeliska kommandosoldater och beslagtog deras automatvapen och kastade dem i vattnet. Det är häpnadsväckande att han berättar allt detta framför kameror utan den minsta skam i kroppen.

Som det låter utifrån det som Gardell berättar valde de medvetet att attackera en av världens starkaste militärer i en krigszon. Vad trodde ledarna egentligen att det skulle hända? Att slå ner kommandosoldater, att attackera dem och avväpna dem, men vi ville inte skjuta soldaterna fast vi kunde göra det, men vi valde att inte göra det, säger Gardell med självbelåtenhet. Det verkar att svenskarna hade ledarrollen i denna härva, i synnerhet Mattias Gardell och kompani, men jag har inte sett att någon av de nio svenskarna som kom tillbaka hem hade blivit skadade eller sårade. Hur kommer det sig? Det verkar att ledarna som Gardell vilka organiserade aktionen beordrat de andar ombord att attackera israeliska soldater och inte ge upp medan de själva valt att gömma sig i sina kabiner och låtit några blåögda hamna i frontlinje och missa sina liv. Jag är verkligen intresserad av att veta vilka de var som miste sina liv? hur gammal var de? vad hade de för nationalitet? vad hade de för utbildning? vad hade de för etnicitet?

Jag ser en likhet i tänkande hos ledningen i denna aktion och i tänkande hos Hamasledningen, och faktiskt också hos den islamiska regimen av Irans ledarskap. Ledningen förbereder ett antal individer och skickar dem till ett uppdrag, självmordsattack eller militära uppdrag. De som står i frontlinjen är de som har blivit utbildade eller indoktrinerade att utföra det farliga jobbet, att slås i det främsta ledet. Men ledarna håller sig borta i sina hålor som små möss. Mattias Gardell och de andra ledarna firar sin frigivning med livet i behåll och med champagne. Och de kommer hem med ett brett leende på läpparna. Och de börjar genast göra PR för sig själva, men glöm inte att nio individer har mist livet och ett stort antal individer har blivit sårade. Det är precis så Hamasledning och Irans ledning brukar göra. De låter andra enkla människor ta hela smällen och missa sina liv medan ledarna fortsätter med sitt lyxiga liv.

Som en engagerad vänsteraktivist tycker jag att vi måste stoppa sådana barnsliga och naiva aktioner som äventyrar andra vanliga människors liv. Ledarna på Ship to Gaza visste mycket väl att Israel skulle reagera kraftfullt om de skulle attackera israeliska soldater. De valde att göra det fast ledningen visste om de dödliga konsekvenserna.

Jag tycker att en internationell domstol ska titta närmare på Mattias Gardells och andra svenskarnas roll ombord på Ship to Gaza. De är utan tvekan också ansvariga för det som hände på Mavi Marmara.

Publicerat i Politik/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för SHIP TO GAZA, MATTIAS GARDELL OCH DE ANDRA SVENSKARNA / ANALYS


”Militär styrka är livsviktig för Israel, men den kommer aldrig att lösa landets verkliga problem: den stinkande belägringen av Gaza… Varje försök att använda våld på andra sätt än som självförsvar kommer att leda till fler katastrofer.” Israels ledande författare, Nobelpriskandidaten Amos Oz, DN den 02 juni 2010


The Israeli military attack on Gaza aid ship on Monday with deadly outcomes is an evidence of how afraid Israel is to lose control of the situation in Middle east and particularly in Palestine. It is obvious that the military attack was unproportionate and very aggressive, though it was carefully planed, I assume.

However it is essential to look at the event from the angle the Israelis and the Israeli forces see it.

Israelis knew that if they should let the convoy to enter Israeli water and get to Gaza Strip it could be a beginning of a huge number of humanitarian ships heading to the Gaza Strip in order to deride the Israeli government and hoping to soften the blockade. Do not forget that the Israeli government and the Israeli people do not have any respect deep down for European governments looking back to the history of how the Israeli people have been treated and massacred of European countries. So getting aboard a number of Swedes on a ship and heading to the Gaza hoping that one can break the Israeli blockade of Gaza was just a very childish way of solving the problem, because as I said, for the first Israeli government has no respect for/confidence in European countries, particularly Sweden based on the bloody history before and during the Second World War. For the second the convoy did not have any Israelis and American (those who are opposed the blockade, and there are many of them in Israel and in the US) aboard. For the third those who ran the project Ship to Gaza needed to have some colorful Israeli for instance cultural elite on board to make sure the safety of those people aboard the vessels. The lack of those above mentioned considerations made it easier for Israeli forces to aggressively carry out the attack on the convoy. For the fourth the Israeli- Palestinian conflict is more complicated to be solved or to be teased in this way.

Do not forget that Israel is located in a very hostile region and among hostile countries that make the situation even more complicated. The Israeli government is aware of the fact that the hostile and very rich countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia and Iran can cause huge problems for Israeli people if Israel shows a weak image of itself. The fact that Israelis act in that way is because of fear they feel and they know that they are not strong enough compared with those Arabic countries and The Islamic regime of Iran which are committed to destroy the land of Israel. Israel is not that strong that the European countries want to apply.

I remember the founder of the Islamic regime of Iran, ayatollah Khomeini ones said: If every Muslim throws a bucket of water on Israel, Israel will be sunk. That is the reason they act as they do. It is a reaction of fear. It is not an action of strength.

Publicerat i Essay/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för ISRAELI RAID AGAINST GAZA AID VESSEL, A REACTION OF FEAR/ANALYSIS


John af Donner, a Swedish Red Cross chief executive has been charged with fraud and with embezzling almost one million dollars of Swedish Red Cross fund along with two others. He admitted his own role as a key person in this tangle.

Göran Lindberg, a top Swedish police chief who was operating once as a front figure fighting prostitution and trafficking has been charged with being involved in a range of child sexual abuse and child rape. He admitted some of above mentioned accusations.

Eliot Laurence Spitzer, a New York governor made himself a high profile, respecting and defending women´s right. He was also strongly against women being exposed in activities such as prostitution and pornographic movies. He has been caught of buying sexual services of a ring of luxury prostituted women. He admitted his involvement and resigned from his post after being exposed in the media around the World.

Swedish bishop Anders Arbeorelus has admitted that he had knowledge for more than eight years about two children being abused and raped multiple times by a pedophile Catholic priest in seventies without doing anything about it.  The Catholic Church has been involved in a range of sexual abuse and child rapes  around the World in many years.

The fact that there are individuals in every level of society who engage in criminal and inappropriate activities is not strange. And there is no need to debate about why a priest, a police executive, a Red Cross Chief or a member of a government engages in such activities. They are human being like others with their own short comings and sometimes their own disorders. There is no doubt in my mind that a person who engages in activities such as preventing trafficking and child sexual abuse and the person himself engages in the same time in abusing children must be a sick person with a serious sexual and personality disorder.

My point of writing this article is that the fact that those people have been exposed, charged, and in some cases prosecuted and sentenced is showing us that we have build a solid and democratic system in Sweden and many other countries with which the system discovers and punishes individuals with key positions and with political and financial power. Things can even go wrong in such a system as we saw for instance in Thomas Quick case, alleged as a serial killer of eight homicides. That is why these solid and democratic systems need a functional surveillance. Furthermore, exposing and punishing a highly decorated police chief executive or a mayor is almost impossible in corrupted countries or corrupted systems.

However, there is a major difference when it comes to the Catholic Church´s handling of allegations of a huge number of systematic child sexual abuses by pedophile priests around the World. It seems that the Catholic Church systematically, consciously and foolishly has ordered it´s bishops around the World to cover up and belittle child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. There is evidence that the Catholic Church with Joseph Alois Ratzinger / Benedictus XVI at the highest level did not do anything to admit the problem in the first place and try to solve it. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as he was called in eighties has signed an order not to discharge a priest who admitted child sexual abuse in order to protect the Catholic Church´s reputation. The Vatican has confirmed that the signature is authentic. The general and common statement of the Catholic Church has always been to deny the problem and by doing so to ignore and to continue hurting thousands and ten thousands individuals who have been raped and abused by this organization in decades. I feel discussing that the Pope who is responsible at the first place never addresses the problem and even worse he tries to cover it up. Such a behavior is not just sick but also criminal.

Moreover, as we see the heads of the Catholic Church/ the Vatican are almost sure that they can act over the international law without being worried to get caught or punished. Such a powerful cooperation as the Catholic Church with a strong relationship with the modern World gives itself the right to act unethical and immoral beneath a mask of highly respected men of God. The Vatican City State is a clear example of a highly corrupted state.

Publicerat i Essay/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för THE VATICAN STATE, A HIGHLY CORRUPTED STATE / ANALYSIS


Those rich honor keepers
Are believers among other
White bearded and big stomach
Men who give order to their
Daughters to listen to the God´s word
And hide their faces behind a veil
But they in the same time have four
Wives and “a good relationship with
The woman in the neighborhood too”

Those large honor keepers
Are rich God´s men among others
Who sit in their stores from
Morning to evening and mix
Hundred-toman-rice with                                                                                                                      five-Hundred-toman-rice and sell it
To people for five hundred tomans

Those religious honor keepers
Believe that they can commit
Any criminality if they just can cry
Some tears at a religious ceremony
While they wear black suit and give
Away some money to house of God

Those real honor keepers
Are religious women who
Go to religious ceremony regularly
And give God feasts every month
To show their jewelry, dresses and
Other means to other false women.

Those powerful honor keepers
Send other ordinary people´s children
To war and those youngsters get murdered
While they in the cities keep their disgusting

Those bloodthirsty honor keepers
Put in prison young men and women of
Fine people and execute them in order to
Keep their own honor that never existed.
Those monstrous honor keepers are
Those most dishonored human beings
In the history

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för HONOR KEEPERS


Det pratades mycket bland vännerna om detta ämne men jag lyckades aldrig formulera det på print förrän nu.

Med detta tankesystem skyddar du dig utan att för din skull skada andra. Det är viktigt att poängtera att med detta tankesätt skyddar du i själva verket både dig och den andre eller de andra och tar inte till destruktiva medel för du inte är nedslagen.

I den stunden då jag kände så starkt för dig och utelämnade hela mitt hjärta, hela mitt jag till dig, lovade jag mig samtidigt att vara förberedd för att det ska ta slut på ett eller annat sätt en dag.

Att det kommer att ta slut är ingen tvekan om.

I det bästa fallet blir det ofrivilligt att jag eller du

lämnar denna värld genom naturlig bortgång.

Men att det tar slut är ett faktum, i alla fall när det gäller denna materiella värld.

Varje natt när du, ditt lugna andetag, sovande vid min sida,

fyllde hela mitt universum, lovade jag mig att inte bli nedslagen

den dag det tar slut.

Och när den dagen till slut kom var jag någorlunda förberedd.


Det betydde inte att jag inte älskade dig till fullo.

Det gjorde jag. Och det gjorde jag stort.

Det betydde inte att jag inte blev ledsen.

Det blev jag. Och det blev jag djupt.

Det betydde inte att jag inte grät.

Det gjorde jag. Och det gjorde jag mycket.

Det betydde inte att jag inte sörjde denna förlust.

Det gjorde jag. Och det gjorde jag med vördnad.

Men jag blev inte nedslagen,

inte förkrossad,

inte deprimerad,

Jag blev inte sjuk,

för jag var förberedd.

Tänkandets skyddande funktion.

Publicerat i Dikter/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för TÄNKANDETS SKYDDANDE FUNKTION



“This is not only about the cost of our health care but the character of our country – about whether we are still a nation that gives its citizens a chance to reach their dreams.”

Even though this new law is not that powerful it is a powerful move in a right direction. Editor SERP.

Publicerat i Essay/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för THE NEW HEALTHCARE BILL


Fotografen Pieter ten Hoopens skildring av sitt möte med kvinnorna i Damaskus belönades nyligen med priset Årets bildreportage utland i tävlingen Årets Bild.


”Hon kommer från Irak. Hennes man dog i kriget men hon har inga papper på det och får inte ersättning från FN:s flyktingsfond. Sängen hon sitter på finns i Damaskus, dit hon flydde undan våldet. I början städade hon på hotell. Någon berättade att hon skulle tjäna mer pengar om hon sålde sin kropp. Så hon är prostituerad. Nätterna igenom dansar hon på en nattklubb i stadsdelen Garamana för att locka någon man att köpa sex. När morgonen kommer får hon sova.” SYDSVENSKAN/ lördag 13 mars 2010

They gathered there,

men and monsters

Thousands of thousands

To watch two women´s execution.

They were there,

those alive and those dead

Thousands of thousands

To watch the execution of two girls

To carry out the execution of two prostituted girls.

The guards, the men of God, the mullahs

Men with beards, the murderers

All were there to curry out the execution of two girls.

My town cried that day

Sky´s tears fell on my cheeks

The sky was sad, too.

The girls were taken to the square

By armed guards.

Men mumbled to each other

And I stared at the gallows

Men and monsters

Cried and laughed

Those dead and those alive

All were there

To curry out the execution of two girls

To watch the execution of two girls.

Nineteen and twenty-one years old

With beautiful faces covered by the fear of death.

Their crime:

Stealing clothes

Stealing foods

And prostitution.

The murderers tied their chadors

Around their bodies

And hang them one by one.

Their bodies, trembled all over on the gallows

Their eyes full of fear in the presence of the death

And their hope and attempt in vain.

The guards, into lines, cold formed,

Like chess soldiers

Under the greatness of the colored flags´ dance

And the vampires´ joyfulness screams

And before the eyes of blood-crying people

Under the sky´s tears.

It´s impossible to escape death.

Hungry people and naked bodies

In poverty´s and misery´s territory

Hang on the gallows.

Yes, it is impossible to escape death.







Those dead were pleased because

However ones again God´s command

Was  carried out.

Those alive cried like rain.

And my town cried

For the death of those two girls in

Forty days.

© Samuel E. Rajeus, S.E.R.P. & PUBLISHING, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991

Book: I Språkets Hus, Publicerad oktober 2011, ISBN: 978-91-979269-2-8, Sida: 244

Book ”Shadows, collections of poems” / ISBN 978-91-977393-1-3

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för TWO WOMEN´S EXECUTION


Shirin Ebadi, an attorney, an activist, a Nobel Peace Laureate.

Shirin Ebadi in her latest and exclusive interview with Swedish SVT, February 15, 2010 in Oslo about how the Islamic regime of Iran treats Iranian young generation:

If we harass you, keep quiet.

If we beat you, keep quiet.

If we arrest you, keep quiet.

If we kill you, keep quiet.

How long the regime can force the Iranian young generation to keep quiet?

Democracy will come to Iran. That´s for sure.

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för SHIRIN EBADI ON THE OFFENSIVE