Gabriel Garicia Markez

Gabriel García Márquez (Gabo) 1927-2014
Theory of mind, ability (inability) to feel what the other feels.
Even the big ones (marquez) as the small ones come and go.

Hear ye!

Yes, I mean you.

You know who you are.
In fifty years, none of us, in all likelihood, is here on earth.

So why so much arrogance?
Why so much ignorance?
Why so much exercise of power?
Why so much pride?
Why so much idiocy?
Why so much attack?
So much bitterness
and aggression?

The big ones have come and gone.
The little ones have also come and gone.
You and I are not exempt.

Who do you think you are?
So why so much idiocy?



Samuel E. Rajeus, 04/18/2014, Stockholm, Sweden 

Publicerat i English, Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för MINDBLINDNESS



Nahid* is a forty years old woman living in Sweden since the eighties. She has a job, is married and has three children. Her parents and siblings are living in her home country. Her relationship with her husband is based on respect, she emphasizes. In her whole life here in Sweden but also in her home country she has felt a sense of missing and sadness that she has been trying to manage in different ways. She cannot find an explanation for the way she is feeling. She made herself busy by raising her children in Sweden. She learned the language and got into the labor market. Thus, her most meningful tool that made her to go on living in forty years was her strong belief in God. The problem is that she is feeling that even this tool is loosing its power the older she gets

A friend of her at work who has a closer relationship with Nahid recommends her to see a psychiatrist who too speaks her language which makes it easier for Nahid to talk about her thoughts and feelings. She finally decides after quite a while hesitation to book an appointment with the doctor who is specialist in adult psychiatry and also a licensed psychotherapist. The doctor is too a woman and in the same age as Nahid is.

It is her first meeting and Nahid is trying to explain for the doctor that she has been feeling down in her whole life and can not feel any joy for anything. The doctor asks her about how she could go on living after all these years having this feeling?

Nahid´s explanation is spontaneous and she says:

– I think my strong belief in God could save me.

The doctor interrupts her quickly and says with an overtone:

– Hum, Do you really think that God is looking at you from the above and taking care of you, lady? Forget it. All these talks about God are just bowl sheet. The religion is taking advantage of people like you. Wake up.

It has not gone more than ten minutes of the session. And Nahid has absolutely no confidence in the doctor. She is seeing the doctor for the first time, also with a huge skepticism about the psychiatric health care. The only common denominator between them is that both are women and both are coming from the same country.

Nahid starts shaking, getting sweaty in her body and in her palms. She has just difficulty to manage her rage. She stands up and says:

– You are an idiot. I do not want to talk to you any more.

And she leaves the clinic.

The doctor who feels very assaulted gets so mad that she issues a medical letter and gives order to a nurse to call the police and report that Nahid is an unstable individual who threatened to commit suicide and left the doctor´s office in rage and without permission. She pointed out for the police that Nahid must be arrested and be taken to an inpatient psychiatric unit as soon as possible.

A half an hour later police is behind her door. In spite of Nahid´s denying suicidal thoughts and suicidal plans and her giving gathered impression they took her in front of her husband´s astonishment and her daughter´s terrifying eyes to an inpatient psychiatric center in a Stockholm suburb for an evaluation.

When she arrives with a police car and two policemen, she just cries and cries. She is shaking and it is difficult to calm her down. Later she explains that she was thinking in her way to the unit that we will force her to take lots of pills and inject her with lots of heavy drugs and when she refuses to take more we will lie her in belt. She has no previous experience of psychiatric care and all of this is just a horrifying scenario and a trauma for her. A nightmare.

She explains for on duty psychologist about what was happened at the doctor´s office and why she just interrupted the session and did not want to talk to her any more. It was because of doctor, questioning her belief system rudely and without any reservation, a belief system that has saved her for so many years. The psychologist interviews her for an hour and runs some questionnaires. He can not find any serious disorder with Nahid. Later comes a physicion and reviews the psychologist´s report. He goes in to Nahid´s room and talks to her for about half an hours. The final report from the inpatient psychiatric unit in Stockholm Suburb shows no sign of psychiatric dysfunction and no sign of suicidality.

Nahid can finally go home at 9:30 pm that evening. Neither her husband nor her daughter could talk to her for more than four hours since she was taking in by the police and waiting for the final report from the psychiatry. There were some very tough hours for the whole family, nevertheless for Nahid.

Nahid tells that she never told her man and her children about her having sad thoughts and about that noting makes her happy. That she never told her parents and her siblings that she feels down and life is kind of heavy for her. Her explanation for not telling them is that she does not want to burden her family and that she feels ashamed and is worried to be marked as a mental case. However, this is going to be big news at home and it will be difficult for her to explain for the family about why she was picking up by the police and taking into a “madhouse” in Stockholm.

When the taxi is here to take her home I recommend here warmly that she tries to find a good therapist in order to be able to talk about her thoughts and her feelings.

She looks at me with a cutting laughter and says condescending:

– Are you kidding me? I am never going to go a psychologist again (she calls all psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists psychologists). They are all mentally sick.

After having such a experience that Nahid had today I have no chance and no time either to convince her that it is not at all the way she is thinking. And she just had bad luck to talk to a bad or maybe sick doctor.

While she is disappearing at the back seat of a taxi and her silhouette is loosing color into a late and weak lightshades of the August, her sad look stays still before my eyes and her bad experience of psychiatric health personals makes my mind busy.

What is worse than ending up at a sick individual with power on you? If so, much can go wrong, and one´s life course can get a drastic turn. This sick person with power can be your partner, your boss, your parent, sick powerful persons at key positions in a society, and even a sick government.

*Notify that name, age and places are changed in this essay.

Samuel E. Rajeus/Translation from ”I litteraturens Land” page 171,

ISBN: 978-91-979269-3-5

Publicerat i Essay/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för DOCTOR MENTAL CASE


Jackie Ferm participated in ”Paradise Hotel, Sweden” in 2009. She argues in her book that she was exploited by MTG TV in particular, that has encouraged her to sex. She had sex first night in front of the cameras and became the winner of the program after 40 sections. From Metro/Stockholm 25/03-14

Silicon boobs

Barbie girls





Lots of petting

Lots of pampering

Lots of fucking

Sex before cameras

Sex before thousands

Of viewers

Wild parties

Dancing and drinking

Even crying




500,000 crones, of course

A kind of prostitution?

A luxury one (3)


Paradise bordello

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för PARADISE HOTEL


SalbergaanstaltenHan (patienten) var en medelålders man som var

dömd för sexuella övergrepp mot barn.


Hon (terapeuten) försökte se människan inte den brottsdömde

bakom den hårda fasaden vilken satt framför henne


Hon försökte se den lilla pojken som blev ignorerad

och förolämpad av sina föräldrar och mobbad

av sina skolkamrater under hela sin barndom.


Hon försökte se den lilla pojken som förtvivlad försökte

fånga vuxenvärldens uppmärksamhet,

men förgäves.


Hjälpte det?

Ingen aning.


Finns det något annat tillvägagångssätt?

Ingen aning.

Publicerat i Dikter/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för PÅ SALBERGAANSTALTEN



Madiba, 18 juli 1918 – 5 december 2013

Is it possible to suffer so many years when it was
not any hope at the horizon
To be harassed, discriminated,
tortured and prisoned
And still remained a
good-hearted person?

Is it possible to fight for peace,
freedom and democracy
For a better world so many years,
and losing the best years of his life behind bars

And still think
like a human being?

Is it really possible to be a loving leader
With the ultimate political power
And million of fans behind him
And even though step down and
Give his position to others?

Is it possible that a human being
Can be so good, so good?

The answer is: 46664.


P 25 / Shadows, collection of poems ISBN 978-91-977393-1-3


Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för 46664


If you say that

Things are going well for you.

It works well.

You thrive.

You have it good.

Then they make sure that

It will not go well for you.

It will not work well.

You will not get on well.

You will not have it good.

Then they make sure that

You will start to cry.

It is just so.

Publicerat i Poems/English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för THE JEALOUSY


Sture Bergwall betonar med kraft att Thomas Quick inte existerar längre. Det är faktiskt tveksamt. Jag anser att Thomas Quick lever som aldrig förr.

Thomas Quicks förklaring till att varför han ljög under så många år och tog på sig så många mord hade varit att han var rädd för fängelse och att han var under en tung medicinering. Det är mycket naivt att tro att denna förklaring räcker för en sådan skandalös upplösning av en rättsskandal och ett medicinskt fiasko. Oavsett hur mycket rädd man är för fängelse och hur starkt medicinerad man är har man utan tvekan vissa stunder då man kan tänka klart. Man kan då bestämma sig för vad man vill göra i olika situationer. Eftersom Thomas Quick var rädd för fängelse bestämde han sig för att ljuga, så i det fallet hade han förståndet i behåll. Sedan säger han att han inte hade förståendet i behåll när han började med sitt ljugande, detta under tung medicinering.

Egentligen behövde han inte ta på sig så många mord för att bli dömd till rättspsykiatrisk vård. Frågan är varför han gjorde så. En teori kan vara att han valde helt enkelt någonstans i denna process att sätta i gång med sitt projekt, nämligen att experimentera med både rättssystemet och den psykologiska/psykiatriska vårdapparaten. Thomas Quick som hade ett trassligt liv med ensamhet, pedofilidom, arbetslöshet med mera hamnar av lika skäl i en mordutredning. Han finner det intressant. Han som är så besviken på samhället bestämmer sig att håna hela Sverige genom att mycket medveten iscensätta sitt projekt. Projektet är att bevisa för hela svenska folket men också för hela världen hur skrattretande och lösaktig både rättsapparaten och vetenskapen i detta avseende är. Jag uppfattar honom som en mycket intelligent man som startar en lek. Han lyckas att ta med sig högprofilerade individer inom rättssystemet och inom vetenskapen i leken.

Det handlar faktiskt inte alls om att Margit Norell influerar alla andra och tar dem med sig i leken. Det handlar om att Thomas Quick influerar Margit Norell och alla andra och tar dem med sig in i leken. Alla vinner någonting genom att fortsätta med leken. Vissa vinner till och med stort. Vem bryr sig om en liten stackars individ som fabricerar olika historier. Att dessa individer (de levande) idag inte vågar och inte bryr sig om att träda fram och ge oss en förklaring är också skandalös.

Thomas Quick´s projekt går ut på att bevisa hur ”dumma” dessa individer men också hur ”korrupt” systemet är som köper hans skräpp. Att ha så många högprofilerade och högutbildade individer runtomkring sig under så lång tid och leka med allihopa ger honom en kick. När han blir senare dömd till flera mord och Sveriges genom tidernas seriemördare sitter inne vet han att han inte alls är klar med sitt projekt. Långt senare tar han tillbaka sina fiktiva historier och startar ”århundrades rättsskandal”. Andra delen av projektet är i fullgång.

Jag kan fortfarande se hur han njuter av att bli intervjuad när han vet att hela landet skrattar åt dessa system som lurades så enkelt av honom, ”en liten, homosexuell, pedofil och patologisk lögnare”. Men han är egentligen en superintelligent (med en grav personlighetsstörning) individ med långsiktig analytisk förmåga vilken vet vad han gör. Frågan är vad det är som kommer här näst i hans projekt? Vad ska vi vänta oss på? Om denna teori stämmer då är jag säker på att projektet har en tredje del som kommer i fullgång efter hans frigivning.

Jag tror inte alls att Sture Bergwall är här. Vi har fortfarande i allra högsta grad med Thomas Quick att göra.

Samuel E. Rajeus

Doktorand i psykologi/psykoterapeut-kbt

Publicerat i Politik/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för ”THOMAS QUICK ÄR DÖD!”

”What a fucking scam I am!”

He saw him every morning who was sitting on a piece of cardboard, slumped in multiple layers of grayish and dirty clothes outside Liljeholmens subway station.

He did not look at people. He could not raise his eyes and observe passersby. Then he raised his eyes he looked people with empty eyes. He looked sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes revenge hungry, sometimes murderous. He looked particularly forlorn. He seemed as old as him.

Every time he bent over his plastic bowl to throw down some coin he thought: what a fucking scam I am earning thousands of dollars each month and donate a few bucks for these street beggars who often are the same age as me who do not have, unlike me, a chance for a decent life.

Publicerat i English | Kommentarer inaktiverade för ”What a fucking scam I am!”


Med anledning av Jan Eliassons sommarprat i P1 den 04 augusti 2013

Jan Eliasson

De som kan skapa en balans mellan idealism och realism har en bättre chans att hjälpa sig själv och de andra i den orättvisa och brutala världen.

Publicerat i Dikter/svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för BALANSEN MELLAN IDEALISM OCH REALISM

Ett halvt hjärta

”Ett halvt hjärta””Ett halvt hjärta” är en kortnovell på fyra delar som är skriven under juli 2013. Novellen är publicerad på www.poeter.se

Publicerat i Essä/Svenska | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Ett halvt hjärta